Female artists have typically gotten short shrift for their roles in creating art movements, so who’s surprised that their numerous contributions to technology-oriented art aren’t especially known? Now, that particular gender gap in contemporary art’s timeline has been effectively closed. In “Making/Breaking the Binary: Women, Art, and Technology (1968-85)” at UArts’ Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, curator Kelsey Halliday Johnson makes the case that female artists took to technology the minute it became available — and ran with it… Other artists in Johnson’s show have made entire careers in new media, but not without an affection for the handmade… And there are the outliers with considerable reputations. Lynn Hershman Leeson’s films have explored the relationships between people and technology; a work of hers from 1976, Roberta’s Construction Chart #2, suggests an acquaintance’s future cosmetic surgery…
Haber Arts