The term “cyborg” was first coined in 1960 when Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline identified through the lens of their microscope, and notated it in their article” Cyborgs and Space”. Over the next five decades, emerging lens technologies brought into sharper focus inquiries as to the nature of Kline and Clyne’s “cyborgian thing”.
Cyborgian mythology was reborn with a vengeance when, as recently as 1995 live cells were placed in 3D bio printers. When living cells were first placed within an ink cartridges (the same ones used in photo printing) they developed into 3D printouts of pulsating synthetic organs designed for transplantation into human beings. This methodology extends the photographic process into one of developing into a new age – printing living tissues including synthetic organs and skin. Skin and organs emerge pulsating and fully formed through accessible photographic printing equipment. Living tissues are assigned algorithmic designs into which were inscribed specific functions when it entered the living bodies of receivers. Instead of inks, plastics and other artificial materials, science and medical labs now use a patient’s actual living cells to replicate organs that the body can recognize and accept. Perversely, this method of replication simultaneously extends the life of biological systems while posing a lethal threat to what was formerly known as “nature”.