It’s serious business fighting the persistent gender inequity in the arts. For Lynn Hershman Leeson, whose retrospective Civic Radar is now at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, it’s life and death.
“When artists are battling for space in the cultural memory, omission – or even worse – eradication becomes a kind of murder,” Hershman Leeson says in her 2010 film !Women Art Revolution!.
The retrospective, spanning Hershman Leeson’s 50-year career, is organized chronologically, beginning with The Infinity Engine. The multi-room installation generates “narratives about the future of the human species in the post-genetic engineering age,” according to a YBCA statement. YBCA director of visual arts Lucia Sanroman tells Creators that Hershman Leeson worked closely with the center over nine months to scale down and reconstruct the retrospective to 230 objects down from a 700-object version which previously toured in Europe.
SF Gate